One-on-One Torah Study Partner Program – In Session
There is no better method for advancement in Jewish knowledge and scholarship than private study. One of our rabbis or volunteer instructors can be available for you, in person or over the phone, to study any topic or text. The study arrangement may be set up as a weekly or bi-weekly session, in a way that is tailored to meet your needs and interests. This enormous opportunity carries with it the benefit of forging a personal relationship with your study partner that will undoubtedly last a lifetime. To set up a study partnership, email
Our last classes – More TBA soon!
The ability to ask a good question is no small feat. Try out your skills on Monday evenings at 5:15 at the JRC. All topics are welcome. Questions which are submitted in advance to will get first dibs. Click here for audio recordings of past classes.
“From Moses to My Routine” New Topic – Beginning October 12th – Come one come all!
To submit your suggestion for our next topic, please email
Join this unique class to find the sources for the many mitzvos that we perform on a regular basis. We will study the Torah text and examine the practical applications and laws. Join this Monday evening class at anytime! For more info call us or email
Jewish Philosophy 101 (Audio is now available online!)
Our inquisitive minds are constantly seeking answers to the basic questions that relate to our existence, and that of the world around us. Jewish Philosophy 101 draws on ideas from the Torah which contain the solution to every issue. Join Rabbi Salkow and be amazed at the wisdom of our ancient writings. Come once and you’ll be sure to return for more!
Jewish Learning of The Torah –
(Audio from past session is now available online!)
The popularity of the word of G-d never wanes. Come and gain a deeper understanding of the Five Books of Moses with the wisdom of the great commentator Rashi. Plumb the depths of the lives of our great forefathers and the founders of our nation in Genesis. Relive the slavery in Egypt and the awesome miracles of the Exodus and the splitting of the sea. The revelation at Mt. Sinai; what was it all about? The myriad mitzvot (Instructions) included in our written Torah; how do the Rabbis explain their meaning and significance? The list goes on because G-d’s book contains everything. Join us for the keys to access it all! Click here to listen to past classes given on these subjects.
Biblical Je
wish History (Prophets) – (Audio is available online!)
Beyond the Five Books of Moses lay the remaining sections of the written Torah. The Prophets tell the story of the Jews’ entry into the Holy Land and the events of the ensuing eras. The conquest of the land, the Judges, the Kings, the building of the Temple and its eventual destruction are some of the main highlights. The Books of the Prophets are not merely storybooks however. They are replete with valuable lessons for our everyday lives. Join us as we connect with the ancient personalities and bring them into our modern world. This class is currently being given every Monday at 6:30 PM.
The following is a list of great programs that we are planning for you in the future… We will advertise details as they become available.
Please check in periodically to see which of these are upcoming or in session.
Hebrew Reading Classes
Many of us thirst to access the original Hebrew version of our prayers and classic texts. The ability to read Hebrew is a basic tool which is a prerequisite that so many are lacking. Learning a new language can be difficult, but we plan to provide expert instruction that will help you gain the skills that are necessary to master this valuable tool for furthering your Torah studies and prayer familiarity.
Prayer Education
Prayer is the medium for communication with G-d. Understanding how to pray and what our prayers mean allow us the opportunity to keep our lines of communication open and connect with G-d on a regular basis. What an excellent way of keeping Jewish identity intact and thriving!
Jewish Life Cycle
From birth to bar/bat mitzvah, from marriage to child rearing and from grand-parenting to death, every step of our lives has a Jewish perspective. Join us as we delve into the dynamics of each of these momentous occasions and how to prepare for them properly. These classes will equip you with knowledge that will empower you to play an important role in ensuring the continuity of our Jewish people.
Legal Texts
Jewish Law is replete with fascinating discussions of the intricacies of each and every mitzvah (Instruction of the Torah). What is the level of obligation? Is it a law or a custom? How does one fulfill the mitzvah in the optimum fashion? To whom does it apply and when? Are there legal loopholes? You will find yourself surprised at how intellectually stimulating these details can be. Learning of this type will inspire you to observe mitzvot as you discover fascinating methods for enthusing your daily living with so much meaning and purpose.
The Talmud is a compendium of the Oral Law which is an inseparable companion of the Written Torah. The Talmud is what brings the Torah to life with an amazing system of interpretation that offers us a deeper understanding of Torah and touches every aspect of human life and much more. Whether you are completely new to the study of Talmud, or have studied Talmud before, you will always discover insightful ideas and incisive reasoning. Class formats will range between basic understanding of content, skills for deciphering Talmudic style, Aramaic language and even in-depth examination of Talmudic logic. The Talmud is an exciting world unto itself. Come and discover new vistas of Torah study!
Speaker Series on Topics of Jewish Interests and Continuity
Riveting speakers and fascinating topics are a combination that must not be missed. Join the JRC as we tap into local and out-of-town talent to address some of the issues and challenges of today’s world.
Junior Scholars Club Companion Sessions for Parents/Guardians
The children are arriving home armed with a Jewish education. Do you feel prepared to study with them? Do you feel challenged by your children who are eager to share their new discoveries with you? In conjunction with the popular Junior Scholars Club, we plan to introduce companion study sessions geared for the parents of our students. We will keep you up-to-date and a step ahead of the children. In these sessions we will coach you with a plan for furthering their Jewish education at home. We will also provide a platform for general parenting discussions and tips.